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Warwick Ward

Keestrack K3 Scalper Screen

Product Code: K3

double deck screen box: 2.700 x 1.200 mm (9 x 4)
capacity Up to 250 tonnes / hour

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The Keestrack K3 track-mounted mobile screener is the most heavy-duty machine in its range, separating 3 fractions at once with a capacity of 250 tph. Compared to other machines, it stands out with a 6 m³ feed hopper, 3.24 m² screening surface, and heavy-duty apron feeder. This compact, tracked mounted scalping screener stands above the rest with the lowest fuel consumption in the industry due to its advanced technology and low emission engine resulting in 4–6 litres of fuel saved an hour. The K3 shows off the Keestrack guarantee of efficiency, innovation, and cost effectiveness at its core.

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