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Warwick Ward

Keestrack K6 Scalper Screen

Product Code: K6

double deck screen box: 4.500 x 1.800 mm (15 x 6)
capacity Up to 600 tonnes / hour

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The Keestrack K6 is the veteran of all Keestrack tracked mounted scalping screeners. This machine came to life in 1996 and is still one the most reliable tools in the market. It’s got all the bells and whistles that come with the Keestrack name: mobility, fuel efficiency, low emission engine, and upscale monitoring.

This heavy-duty machine can separate 3 fractions at once at a capacity of 600 tonnes per hour. The large robust hopper, heavy steel aprons and crusher design ensure smooth and easily handling and screening of large feeds even with tough terrain and applications. The double deck screen box offerings 8.1 m² screening surface, making it perfect for pre-screening and precision screening.

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